If you have water damaged headphones, don’t panic! There are a few ways to fix them. But, first, we will go over how to dry them and make your audio sound better than ever.
You should first take off the cord from the earbuds or headphones and shake it out well (the water will come out). Next, wrap the cord in a towel for about 24 hours so it can air dry.
If the above process does not work, then we have many workable and easy steps. You’ll have your headphones up and running again in no time.
In this article, we will discuss how to fix water damaged headphones. We’ll share five ways to improve your phone’s audio as well, from waterproofing it to using a device with better speakers.
So what are you waiting for? Find out how to fix water damaged headphones now!
What Happens if Headphones Get Wet?
It destroys the electrical components like any other piece of electronics would be destroyed by moisture. Unfortunately, this leaves sound waves unable to move through the wires and into speakers or earbuds, so they have no way of reaching their destination.
What are the signs that a headphone has been affected by water? A wet piece of electronics is often an indication that it was exposed to moisture. A few other things to be aware of:
- Rusty, discolored pieces on audio equipment and cords;
- Foul smells coming from headphones cord (could indicate a mold infection);
- Intermittent sound in one earbud or both ears;
- Strange rattling sounds inside your device when you shake it.
These can signify loose parts like screws bouncing around because they have become loosened due to corrosion caused by exposure to moisture. Small amounts of rust may cause this effect as well. Loose components will need to be tightened or replaced.
Things You Should Not Do When Your Earphones Got Wet
When your earbuds stop working, the first thing to do is you should not panic and don’t try to operate the controls that won’t fix them. The next important step is to dry them as soon as possible with a few practical steps outlined below.
Do not operate headphones: Headphones or earphones soaked in water should not be treated like they are unaffected.
They have electric circuits inside of them, and these include the speakers. The short-circuit will happen as soon as electricity is applied to electronics while wet, which means they will get destroyed immediately.
Hairdryer damage: A hairdryer is one of the most common causes of water damage to electronics. If your hairdryer or any other appliance malfunctions and you have wet headphones or earbuds. It’s important not to put that device near heat sources such as clothes dryers where they could be damaged again.
Do Not Use Oven Or Microwave: Do not use an oven or microwave. This will cause the plastic to melt and make it more difficult to repair your headphones, as they can become warped when heated up.
Do not try using a vacuum: Do not try using a vacuum cleaner on waterlogged devices. This will only push out any moisture inside your device while also causing damage from suctioning air pressure. In addition, vacuum cleaners are designed for dirt and dust particles, not liquids!
How to Fix Water Damaged Headphones and Earbuds?

Wet headphones don’t work, and bad sound quality is the worst. Fortunately for everyone who hates fuzzy audio alongside their wet hair, there are a few solutions to fix water-damaged headphones or earbuds, or other electronics that can help you out of this pickle. Check them out below!
1. Remove the Foam or Rubber
The first thing to do is remove the foam or rubber from your headphone. It may seem like this would be unnecessary, but these parts are often made of a material that can’t get wet, and they could potentially damage the drivers on your earbuds if you don’t take them off now.
2. Disassembly of Parts
If the headphones are fully assembled, and water still got inside, they need to be disassembled if there is any hope of salvaging them.
Lightly brush off or blow out all visible debris from every piece that can successfully separate – it should take a few minutes at most.
Once you have done this, place each part in an individual sealable baggie to soak up moisture.
3. Clean Up with Distilled Water
If you want to use an eco-friendly solution, spray some distilled water gently over your headset. Make sure it’s not too much because this can lead to more damage if the water seeps inside and goes deep into its circuitry or headphone jack socket.
It is also advisable for those living in areas where there isn’t tap water, as well as people with running nose issues like sinusitis caused by bacteria that grow around moist places such as humidifier spouts and bathroom surfaces.
The good thing about using distilled waters is that they ionize in nature not to harm your earphones totally; these ions create negative charges on the earphones.
How to use distilled water?
- Fill a container with distilled water
- Put the earphones in it for some time
- Spray the distilled water on your earphones
- Shake off any excess water from the headset and wipe them dry with a cloth.
Note: You don't have to use distilled water all of the time, only when you need it or if they're already too wet. It's also advisable not to submerge your headphones in this solution for long periods because there is a chance that some parts may rust.
4. Blow Up with Air
Blowing up your earbuds with air is a quick and easy way to get rid of some of the water that might be stuck inside. You will need an air compressor, but you can use just about any type of pump as well. This method removes moisture from deep within the device and does not require you to disassemble anything or dry it out in rice.
5. Dry Your Headphone or Earbuds
If your earbuds are not working, you can dry them out. Be sure to clean them first with a damp cloth or paper towel to absorb as much light and heat as possible. You may need to play around with this method if it isn’t doing anything for you, but it has worked wonders on some people’s headphones. The air is also way better than rice when you’re trying to dry something quickly!
Use rice for Dry
Rice has natural absorbing properties that will suck up excess moisture like a sponge. It’s perfect in these cases because it doesn’t damage your electronics when it comes into contact with them.
Place your headphones or earbuds on top of some uncooked white rice (not brown) overnight, and then remove any remaining grains before turning on your device again. This should do the trick if you’re dealing with just one pair of headphones.
Dry them in the sun
A little note from your mother nature is always appreciated! If you’re struggling with multiple pairs that are all soggy and gross, try drying them out by leaving them on a sunny windowsill or outside for at least an hour.
This will help absorb any moisture without messing up their inner circuitry too much because it doesn’t require electricity to work its magic.
You might even be able to get around this step if you live somewhere warm enough. Just set your damp headphone on some dry towels in front of a box fan and let the air out while they dry themselves off overnight. It’s as simple as that!
Wrap them in a paper towel
Paper towels are also fantastic for absorbing excess moisture, and they’re pretty inexpensive too. Place your headphones or earbuds on top of one layer of paper towels, then place another layer over the top so that it creates a sandwich before wrapping with some tape to seal up any gaps.
Leave this alone overnight, and you should be good as new by morning! The downside is that these can get quite messy if the liquid has made its way inside the casing.
How to Fix Water Damaged Headphone Jack
To have water damaged headphone jack repaired, the first step is to remove the old cable. The next thing you’ll need to do is clean out as much of the gunk as possible. Finally, put the plugin some rice overnight to mold into a perfect shape for insertion back into the headphone jack.
After doing this, please take caution when inserting your plug back into your phone because it will be extremely difficult for you to see what’s going on, and any disruptions might cause further damage or could result in a fire!
The last thing left is figuring out how best to avoid future problems- invest in an otter box! They are inexpensive and work like they are advertised. In addition, they come in numerous colors, have a built-in screen protector for your phone, and are designed to protect you from water damage.
What Happens if AirPods Get Wet?
The AirPods are water resistant but not waterproof. However, you’re free to use as much protection on your earbuds as needed. You can also blow-dry the moisture out of them if they get wet after using them in the rain or around a pool.
If your AirPods are damaged by water and don’t work properly (no sound at all), this is most likely due to an internal electronics malfunction, which may now be permanent damage that cannot repair.
How to Prevent my Earbuds from Being Wet?
Earbuds are one of the most common sources of water damage in a home, office, or while traveling. Research has shown that nearly 80% of Americans use earbuds every day, and more than 50% say they have experienced some earbud-related issue.
For those who want to protect their investment from being damaged by condensation or spills. Here’s how you can prevent your headphone wires from becoming wet:
- Please do not leave them on top of your keyboard when eating at a desk with items within arm’s reach spillage is an unfortunate but inevitable occurrence! Carry them around in a small container that seals tightly (I like using Ziploc bags). Be sure to tuck the cord into your clothing or bag when running. This is the most common way they get wet.
- Your earbuds are great for listening to music and podcasts while exercising, but a small investment in an armband can help prevent them from getting wet.
- If you’re on the go frequently throughout the day and don’t want to bring any extra items with you, try clipping them onto something like a zipper of your jacket. This will keep them safely tucked away at all times without disrupting comfort during exercise sessions!
- Waterproof cases offer even more protection against water damage: these protectors allow you to submerge the entire device underwater up to depths of 30 meters (100 feet). They also include touch controls that activate the screen and microphones for making and receiving phone calls.
We hope this article has been helpful for those who are looking for ways to fix their water-damaged headphones. The above article has provided five different methods that will breathe new life into your music and improve the sound of your phone. If you have any questions about the methods discussed, don’t hesitate to reach out!