Earbuds are a great invention for those who enjoy listening to music on the go. Whether you’re jogging, at the office, or just watching TV in bed, earbuds can provide hours of entertainment while your hands and eyes remain free.
They allow you to listen to music on the go without having wires getting in your way, and they don’t bother others around you either! But for some people, earbuds can be uncomfortable after long periods of use.
If this is an issue for you or someone you know, keep reading below for 18 tips on how to make earbuds more comfortable!
How to Make Earbuds More Comfortable?

To make earbuds more comfortable, I’ve found that it is essential that you choose the best earbuds for your ears.
Many people don’t know a lot about ear shapes and what would be best for their ears. Luckily, several resources online can help you choose the perfect pair of headphones for your ears.
To summarize the information from the previous paragraphs, you should always start by choosing an appropriate pair of headbands before trying any other tricks.
If your earbuds are still uncomfortable after choosing the right type, then try out these 20 tips for healthy ears to provide relief:
1. Make sure that the size of the earbuds fits correctly in your ear.
Make sure that the size of the earbuds fits correctly in your ears. If not, you might end up with discomfort and even possible damage to the eardrum.
If they are too big or small for your ear canals, then make an effort to find another more suitable pair; otherwise, it will only cause damage.
You can also try removing the plastic casing on your earbuds to reduce their size, but you mustn’t do this until you have tried out another pair of headphones.
Once they are appropriately sized for your ears, make sure you choose a good quality set of earbuds.
After choosing a good pair of earbuds, make sure that they are tightly sealed in your ears at all times. If the headphones don’t fill well with your head, it will lead to poor sound quality and discomfort.
Make sure that the headphone is plugged deeply into each ear canal to provide optimal sound quality.
To achieve the desired seal, you must make sure that your earbuds fit as close as possible without pressing too hard against them.
2. Don’t fall asleep with earbuds in if they are not designed for sleeping.
If you are looking for headphones to be used when sleeping, they must be explicitly designed for this.
Many people think that headphones can be worn while sleeping, but it’s not the case in reality.
Sleeping with earbuds in your ears will only cause discomfort and possible ear damage, so you mustn’t do this.
When you listen to music or watch TV before going to sleep, make sure that the volume of your headphones is deficient. This will help prevent long-term hearing loss later on in life.
If they aren’t designed for sleeping, try not using them when trying to sleep.
To reduce the discomfort of earbuds, consider wearing a hat or a hoodie while listening to keep your ears warm and cozy from the outside air, which will cause them not to fit as tightly against the skin.
This is especially important during the winter months, where cold weather can make it challenging to keep your ears warm.
3. Use silicone ear tips instead of foam ones if comfort is an issue:
Foam ear tips are great because they provide a seal against your ears. However, many people find that foam earbuds aren’t very comfortable to wear after long periods.
Silicone is an excellent replacement for this type of material since it does not cause discomfort in the same way traditional foam buds do.
Silicone ear tips are also great because they provide a better seal against your ears, which ultimately leads to improved sound quality.
Before you purchase silicone ear tips and other products like them, you must research the development first.
It would be best to look for reviews from people who have used the product before and find out why they recommend it or warn against it.
Once you have chosen the right silicone ear tips for your needs, make sure that you take care of them properly by cleaning them regularly with alcohol wipes to prevent any build-up from forming inside them, which can cause discomfort when wearing headphones.
4. Earbuds should be worn correctly.
Many people have trouble wearing earbuds correctly because they are not sure how to do it properly.
The first step that you should take is to place the bud into your ear canal. Then, rotate the earbud slowly until it has formed a comfortable seal against the skin inside your ear canal.
You will know when this has been accomplished when you can see the bud from the outside, and you cannot hear anything going on around you.
5. Replace earbuds if there is a decrease in sound quality from them.
If it seems as though the sound quality from your earbuds has become worse than usual, then there is a good chance that the construction of them has started to become weak.
If this is true for your headphones, you should replace them immediately to avoid causing any damage to your ears.
6. Consider wireless earbuds, which are more comfortable than wired versions.
Wired earbuds are the most common kind that people purchase. However, they can also be the most uncomfortable because they are constantly tugging at the earbuds to keep them from pulling away.
Wireless headphones do not have this problem since they are entirely hands-free and don’t require you to worry about having a wire constantly wrapped around your body which could potentially cause discomfort.
7. Earbuds should be replaced if you see any abnormalities on the surface of your ears.
If you notice any redness or swelling taking place where the earbuds are touching your skin, then it is time to replace them immediately since these symptoms indicate that an infection has started to form under them.
You will also want to replace earbuds if you notice any rash or bumps which have developed in the ear canal.
8. You should not wear earbuds/headphones when getting a tattoo.
Tattoos and permanent makeup procedures use needles to make their designs on your skin.
Therefore, it would be hazardous for you to wear headphones before or after getting a tattoo. In addition, you will probably have susceptible skin in this area due to the needles, which could cause serious problems.
You should avoid wearing earbuds if possible, but you mustn’t wear them right before or after any permanent makeup procedure.
9. You mustn’t wear headphones at high volume for a long time.
Earbuds should only be used when listening to music at medium volumes to protect your ears from damage.
If you try to turn them up too loud, this could result in echoes or ringing in your ear, which will cause pain when you take your earbuds out.
It is also not a good idea to listen to music at high volumes for an extended period because this could damage the nerve endings in your ears and cause permanent hearing loss over time.
If you want to avoid damaging your ears, it is recommended that you only listen to music at medium volumes for no more than an hour.
10. The earbuds should fit snugly in the ears.
If an earbud does not fit properly against your skin, it could cause discomfort and even damage to your eardrum.
Therefore, you should follow these tips when trying to find a pair of comfortable headphones that will keep you free from pain and hearing loss:
- Make sure you purchase earbuds that are made from a flexible material so they can adapt to the shape of your ears.
- In addition, you should pick out earbuds that have interchangeable pieces so you can find one which fits snugly in the ear canal without causing any irritation or pain.
- For this reason alone, you should not buy earbuds made for other people because you never know if their ears are shaped exactly like yours.
11. Earbuds can cause hearing loss.
The number one reason people suffer from hearing loss is prolonged exposure to loud noises over time, not just because of sleeping next to a snorer or working in an environment that is too loud.
However, even if you are not near any noise that could damage your hearing, earbuds can still cause lasting damage to the nerves inside your ears because they were made for high volume levels.
Therefore, you should always keep them at medium volumes and only listen to music through them for limited periods.
12. Earbuds can cause earwax build-up.
If you leave your earbuds in for an extended period, then it is possible that they could start to gather earwax from the ears since this substance is made from dead skin cells and oil from the body.
In addition, if you allow earwax to build up inside the ear canal, it can cause irritation and even discomfort when you try to pull out your earbuds.
13. Do not attempt to clean or dry your ears after wearing earbuds.
If you use a cotton swab to clean or dry the inside of your ears after using your headphones, you could wind up pushing the earwax deeper inside your ears which will only worsen.
Cotton swabs should never be used on any part of the body because they can cause scratching and puncturing of the skin, especially when they are inserted too far into the ear canal.
14. Make sure to choose earbuds/headphones that reduce outside noise.
If you have a noisy neighbor or even a partner who snores when they sleep, then you should try and find earbuds that reduce the surrounding noise so that it does not come through your music.
You can find different types of headphones with this feature in an electronics store near you or online.
In addition, you can also purchase earbuds that have double or triple-flanged tips to prevent sound from coming through.
15. Adjust the earbuds for a custom fit
While many earbuds come with standard-size cushions, you might need to experiment with different sizes before finding the most comfortable ones.
Grab your earlobe and pull it gently forward or backward to find the smallest setting that’s snug enough to keep the headphones in place.
16. Be careful with your headphones if you have small children.
Young children can be curious about new objects that enter their vision line, so you should make sure that the earbuds are turned off and stored in a safe place where your kids cannot find or use them.
In addition, if you have small children, you should never allow them to wear headphones because they could wind up pulling on the cord and hurting themselves as a result.
17. To keep the wire in place, use a clothing clip.
If you have a problem with the cord of your earbuds coming undone as you move around, you should use a clothing clip to keep it in place.
All you have to do is attach this clip to your pants or shirt and then wrap the cord around it before fastening the earbuds at the end.
18. Remove your earbuds as soon as you are done listening.
If you listen to music for several hours at a time, then you should remove your earbuds and give yourself a break every hour or two.
This will prevent any discomfort, help preserve the overall quality of the sound coming through, and avoid ear fatigue.
How to Fit Earbuds Properly?
Earbuds need to be snug and flush with your ear. If your earbuds feel loose, you will receive a popping noise in the ear whenever the cord comes into contact with something that causes it to flex. This is probably because of an improper seal between the bud and the outer part of the ear canal.
To fix this, you need to find the correct way of inserting them into your ears.
Here’s How:
Choosing the earbuds: The first step is selecting the earbuds that suit your ears and already have an angled nozzle. If it doesn’t, then consider buying a pair that has one. This will help you in having a better fit. Also, make sure to check for the earbuds that have silicone and foam tips and comply with your ears.
Replacing the old rubber: If you already use a pair of earbuds and it doesn’t feel right, consider replacing the old rubber gels with new ones. Or it might be possible that different sizes of gels will help you achieve a better fit.
Roll up some tissues: If you can’t find any tips that fit your ears or old used ones, then it’s time to roll up some tissues and stuff them into the outer part of your ear canal. Once this is done, try inserting the earbuds again. It will help push down the tissues inside the ear canal, which will create a tight seal.
The next step is to adjust the earbuds before putting them on. Make sure that they are perfectly straight and not slanted towards your ear canal. Rather have it pointing at the sky. Also, ensure that the trim tab or wings on your earbuds are resting behind your ears to prevent the earbuds from slipping out.
How to Wear Earphones Without them Falling Out?
Are you tired of constantly adjusting your earphones so they fit in the ear perfectly? Try these easy hacks.
These are just a few simple hacks that will work for most people with regular-sized ear canals. If you don’t know your ear canal size, you can try hooking them behind the ear first, and if they still pull out of your ears, then your ear canal is probably smaller than average.
If you’ve been struggling with making your earbuds more comfortable, we hope these 18 tips have helped. And if not, don’t worry!
We also included some hacks to help keep them from falling out of your ears and a few other helpful hints for wearing earphones without them getting tangled or uncomfortable.
Remember that the key is experimentation! Don’t be afraid to try different things until you find what works best for you.