One of the most common problems people have with their headphones is that the pad material starts to crack. This can be a big problem because they won’t listen to music or watch movies without interruptions.
How do you stop this from happening? It’s very easy! We’ve put together some tips for how you can keep your headphone pads intact and working well.
There are many things to consider when caring for your headphones, some of which may not be intuitive. This guide will discuss how to best care for your headphone pads so they last longer.
What are the Reasons for Headphone Pads From Cracking?
Headphone pads are there to protect the headphones and earphones. It would be challenging to listen to music or take calls without worrying about damaging your device.
However, they can sometimes crack or break, making it impossible to use your headphones again. Here are some of the reasons that could cause this issue:
1. Cheap materials
If your headphone pads are made from cheap materials, there is a greater likelihood that they will crack because of their weak structure.
2. Accidental damage
Damage can easily be caused by accidents such as dropping them onto rough surfaces or getting caught in other objects, which could lead to breakage. It’s also possible for this kind of damage to occur when you’re not using the headphones because it’s still happening.
3. Exposure to extreme temperatures
If your headphone pads are kept in very hot or cold places, there is a greater chance that they will crack and break, making them useless. Keeping them out of direct sunlight can help prevent this from happening too soon.
4. Overstretching
Sometimes, people might feel like their headphone pads should fit better and make an effort to stretch them. This can cause damage and breakage, making it impossible for you to use your headphones again.
5. Rolling or folding
If headphone pads are rolled or folded over, there is a greater chance of cracking because the pressure from this carries more force than usual which could harm them very quickly if done repeatedly.
6. Tucking the cable in behind the ear pad
If headphone cables are tucked in too far underneath an ear pad, it will put too much pressure on the headphone pads, which could cause them to crack or break off altogether.
7. Wearing them for long periods
Wearing your headphones for hours can cause damage and cracking because they are not designed to be worn this way. Keeping them away from heat sources is essential too.
8. Using them when your headphones are already damaged
If you use a headphone pad with one that is broken, it could lead to the pair becoming more damaged and even breaking off completely, which will make them unusable until they can be replaced.
9. Frequent usage
Using your headphones daily without giving them the chance to rest can cause long-term damage. The headphone pads are not designed to be used regularly and can break down if overused.
10. Wearing them with your glasses
Wearing headphones while wearing glasses is a bad idea because the earpieces of your headphones can scratch or damage the glass frames, which could lead to you needing expensive repairs done. It’s also possible for headphone pads to crack from this combination of forces.
11. Wearing them with your hair up
Wearing headphones while wearing a ponytail or having your hair tied back can cause damage and cracking because it puts too much pressure on the headphone pad, leading to breakage over time.
12. Storage in moist places
If you store your headphones in a hot, humid place for long periods, there is a greater chance they will crack or break, making them unusable. Keeping the pads out of direct sunlight will help prevent this from happening too quickly.
13. Holding them too tightly
When you’re listening to music through headphones, it’s common for people to hold these items in their hands which can put pressure on the ear pad and cause damage over time. This is not recommended because it puts pressure on the ear pad and could cause it to crack or break off altogether.
14. Holding them too loosely
If you hold your headphone pads so they are not held tightly enough, then there is a greater chance of damage because they can be quickly dropped or knocked around without any protection provided by the earpads.
How to Keep Headphone Pads from Cracking?
There are several reasons why headphone pads can crack. The most common reason for this is the constant exposure of your headphones to moisture in the air when you use them at high volumes or when they get sweaty during physical activity.
Another cause could be that you have been using your headphones with any damage already on the pad, causing it to crack.
Here are some tips that you can use to help prevent your headphone pads from cracking or splitting:
1. Clean headphones before use
Always make sure your headphones are clean before using them or after they have been exposed to moisture in the air.
Remove any dirt, dust, sweat, etc., from both sides of headphone pads with a cloth/towel that has not been used for anything else, such as makeup removal, which can contain chemicals that may damage your headphones.
2. Use a pad protector
You can use a pad protector spray/liquid on both sides of the headphone pads before using them to help prevent cracking. Make sure you read and follow instructions for correctly applying it. Some products should only be applied after cleaning with water first (to avoid getting it into the headphone, and damaging their components).
3. Do not use headphones when they are damaged
Make sure your headphones are always in good condition before using them. For example, do not use cracked/split pads or any visible signs of being previously exposed to moisture. You should also make sure you inspect both sides of the headphone pads regularly for any changes in color or texture, as this is a sign that the pad may be cracking.
4. Do not use headphones when they are too tight
Make sure your headphone headband fits comfortably and does not squeeze against your head/ears before using them to avoid being exposed to moisture inside of the ear cups, which can cause cracking.
5. Store them flat
Avoid storing your headphones in any position where they will be squeezed or pressed against the side of something, such as inside a bag. It is best to keep the headphones flat and on their sides so that the headphone pads are not pushed together by anything. This way, if there is any moisture inside of them, it is not being pressed against the headphone pads.
6. Turn down the volume
Always make sure you do not turn your headphones up too loud or play music at high volumes for an extended period before using them to avoid causing damage that can lead to cracking on both sides.
7. Do not use any cracks already present
You should never use headphones that have any cracks or splits in them, as there is moisture that can get inside the headphone pads and cause cracking.
8. Be careful when wearing headphones to keep them clean
If you don’t take the necessary precautions, you can easily damage the pads if you drag them across something that could cause a snag or pull. This is especially important if there is a cord on the headphone. If you have accidentally done this already, ensure they are fully dry before using them again, as moisture can soak into the pad and cause cracking.
9. Do not sleep in headphones
Do not wear your headphones or earbuds while trying to fall asleep at night (or any other time). Headphones can still produce sound even when taken off because the headphone pads may vibrate against something, which causes them to play sounds. This can cause damage to your ears without you being aware of it.
10. Do not use headphones in the rain
Do not expose your headphone pads or any other part of them to moisture (such as rain) when using/wearing them, even if they are water-resistant, and say that you can. There may still be enough humidity in the air which can cause damage if it is not adequately protected.
11. Preventing Crackling With A Rubber Band
If your headphones are making crackling or popping sounds, you could wrap a rubber band around the headband and move it so it is pressing against both sides of the ear cups.
12. Do not turn them on before putting them in
Always make sure you turn your headphones off before putting them on so that you do not accidentally cause damage while they are still turning on, which can cause popping or cracking noises.
DIY Methods of Crack Headphones Ear Pad Fixing
DIY Methods of Crack Headphones Ear Pad Fixing The last thing you want to see when looking for a new pair of headphones is cracking. But, unfortunately, it’s an all too common problem that can be highly frustrating.
While you could take steps, just buying another set or getting them professionally repaired, not everyone has the money or the time for those options. So, here are a few ways you can fix cracked headphones on your own!
1. Remove the leather coat with your fingernails
If you can see the padding behind your cracked earpads, use a flathead screwdriver to scrape off as much leather as possible. This will leave you with just the fabric and adhesive underneath.
2. Apply Heat
Use something like an iron or a hair dryer on high heat if there is still some sticky residue left after removing all of the leather. This will soften the adhesive, so you can use a flathead screwdriver to scrape it off.
3. Apply Adhesive
You’ll want to find some heavy-duty fabric glue that dries clear and seals up your earpads. To ensure they are appropriately sealed, place them under a stack of books or a few heavy cans until the adhesive dries.
4. Using A Pair Of Socks
If pieces of the cracked earpads still have some leather or adhesive left, take a small piece of stretchy fabric like an old sock and cut out two circles so they fit over your headphones. Glue them in place with superglue if necessary.
5. Reinforce With Duck Tape
If small pieces of the cracked earpad are still attached, you can cut out a piece of duck tape to cover it. Ensure your headphones are off when doing this so you don’t damage any part that is working correctly!
6. Change the earpads
If your headphones are still under warranty, you can usually get them fixed for free. This is the best option since you’ll be getting brand-new earpads, which will also look better than any DIY methods.
Do Expensive Headphone Pads Not Crack?
There are a lot of people who have asked this question many times. Fortunately, there is an answer to it – yes! This is because expensive headphone pads do not crack as quickly as those that cost just a few bucks.
A set of earpads for your headphones can last years if they’re made from high-quality materials and excellent craftsmanship. But the sad truth is that most of them are made from low-quality materials, and they can’t last you for a long time.
There’s nothing wrong with these earpads because all headphone manufacturers want to keep their prices down, but another issue is that they don’t look as great as some other brands, no matter how much you like them.
The DIY methods for fixing headphone pads are the best way to keep your headphones in good condition. You should clean them regularly and replace earpads as necessary.
But if you can do these two things, you will be able to prevent problems with your headphones before they happen.
Remember that we can take care of our belongings by using simple remedies like cleaning or replacing an item when needed. We hope this article has helped!
Some Bonus tips for Clean Headphones in Home
1. Use baking soda
Baking soda is excellent for cleaning all sorts of materials, so you can also use it to clean the ear pads of your headphones.
Mix one part water with two baking sodas and apply this mixture onto each pad using a sponge or soft bristle toothbrush (scrub until no dirt particles can be seen). Let the pads dry off completely before putting them back onto your headphones.
2. Use vinegar
Cleaning ear pads with vinegar is very easy. Just soak each one into a mixture of equal parts water and white vinegar for about ten minutes (you may also use a soft-bristle toothbrush to remove stubborn dirt particles). Then, let them dry off completely before placing them back onto your headphone.
3. Use olive oil
Olive oil is excellent for cleaning leather, so you can use it to clean the earpads of your headphones too! Just rub each pad with a few drops of this liquid using a soft bristle toothbrush (you may also dip a cotton swab into some olive oil and use it to clean dirt particles). Then, let them dry off completely before placing them back onto your headphone.
4. Use soap
You can use a small amount of dishwashing detergent for cleaning the earpads of your headphones make sure that it does not contain any oil or wax because these may damage their leather material.
Dip each pad into this solution, then remove it from the water after a couple of minutes you may also use a soft-bristle toothbrush to clean stubborn dirt particles. Let them dry off completely before placing them back onto your headphone.